Sotronik supports projects in the areas of humanitarian aid, culture and environmental protection.
For example:

Afro-Pfingsten Winterthur
Cultural promotion in Winterthur

Winterthurer Musikfestwochen
Cultural promotion in Winterthur

Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
Cultural promotion in Winterthur

ESSE Musicbar
Cultural promotion in Winterthur

Sotronik is a member of the supporting association

Quellenhof Stiftung Winterthur
Support, rehabilitation and reintegration of people on the margins of society

Ärzte ohne Grenzen
Medical aid for people in crisis regions

Sustainable improvement in the living conditions of people in Africa

Holistic support for a village in Madagascar

Education for children in Africa and Asia

Cuisine sans Frontières
Food aid projects for people in need

Development organization for helping people to help themselves. EcoSolidar supports small local projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

A school in the south of Brazil - real development aid in exactly the right place.