The Sotronik-Team

Gregor Matter
Co-Managing Director
Dipl. El.-Ing. FH
Project manager
Industrial Communication

Alain von Ritter
Co-Managing Director
Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH
LabVIEW Specialist
CLA (Certified LabVIEW Architect)
CTD (Certified TestStand Developer)

Stefan Genswein
Co-Managing Director
Dipl. El.-Ing. FH
IoT- and Telecontrol Systems
Web visualizations
Matlab-Simulink, LabVIEW

Peter Fischbacher
Development Engineer
Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH
Software development
User interfaces (.net)

Andreas Glur
Development Engineer
Project Manager
Dipl. El.-Ing. FH
Hardware-related software development

Renato Cortesi
Development Engineer
Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH
Software development (C, C#, LabVIEW)
Web visualizations (html, js, php)
CLD (Certified LabVIEW Developer)

Philippe Hindermann
Development Engineer
Dipl. El. Ing. FH
Hardware-related software development
Embedded Linux

Thomas Bühler
Development Engineer
Dipl. El.-Ing. FH
Hardware-related software development
Software development (C, C#, LabVIEW)
CLD (Certified LabVIEW Developer)
IoT systems

Nehir Schmid
Development Engineer
Msc in Physics and Aerospace
Software development (C, C#, LabVIEW)
CLAD (Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer)
IoT systems

Stefan Sigrist
Development Engineer
Dipl. El.-Ing. FH
Software development (C, C#, LabVIEW)
Hardware Design

Georg Wehrli
Development Engineer
Bsc Computer Sience ETH
Embedded development (C)
IoT- and Telecontrol Systems